Benefits of rice drink powder.

Rice drink powder: benefits and use of the plant-based milk alternative

Rice drink is one of many plant-based alternatives to cow's milk. In liquid form, you can now get it in almost every common grocery store. However, rice drink powder is also increasingly being used. Mixed with water, you can also make the…

Oat Proteins: not only interesting for vegans

Proteins are a relevant part of the daily diet, after all, they are among the three most important main nutrients for the human body. As a source of protein, foods of animal origin probably come to mind first. However, there are many plant-based…
Oat Protein on a Table

Oat protein as an alternative to animal sources of protein

Proteins are a relevant part of the daily diet, after all, they are among the three most important main nutrients for the human body. As a source of protein, foods of animal origin probably come to mind first. However, there are many plant-based…

What is Tapioca?

Tapioca: what is it and how can it be used? in our new blog post we enlighten you about tapioca "what is it?", "where does it come from?", "how is it made?", "what can you use it for?". take a look at our website and tell us what you think…
Raw yucca starch and tapioca on the wooden table.

Tapioca: What is it and how can it be used?

Tapioca is a plant starch obtained from the cassava root. It has a neutral taste and is therefore suitable for both sweet and hearty dishes. It is precisely because tapioca can be used in so many different ways that it is becoming increasingly…

New Blog up on the site

we are happy to announce that we're having a new blog section up on our website. make sure to stop by to read our first blog post about " Rice syrup: healthy alternative to other sweeteners?" Read more : #blogpost…
Rice syrup alternatives